Next place is
to see (or check??) my students.
It took about 4hr.
I can enter Thailand (I did not need visa...).
After my arrival, I visited Mahidol university with Ploy.
Collaborative Research Center in Mahidol university!
In Mahidol university, I met Prof. Watanalai.
I delivered a lecture about iMScope.
After discussion, I ate many local fruits.
What's this?
This is dragon eye (Longan, ลำไย)
Looks like potato, but tastes excellent!!
I love ลำไย. My recommend!!
This statue is founder of this faculty.
After discussion, I would like to go to my hotel,
but traffic condition was terrible due to after heavy rain...
How many cars???
It took about almost two hours to go to my hotel...
Just before Mother's day.
View from my room.
In the first day, we had a dinner with students in Fukusaki-lab
and new student Ploy!!
We ate a lot of Thai food.
This is Longan tea (for me).
For young students,
Onishi&Risaco with watermelon
After dinner, we walked to look for dessert!
We found
Scary look...Real mango-man...
We shared Mango with sticky rice.
Taste is ..... not bat (probably..).
We had a very good time with my students.
Thank you very much for your joining.
In day2, I will visit Mahidol University again!!
To be continued.